Coordinate the information and knowledge transfer strategies of the Mexican agribusiness sector and deepen the links between Mexican agricultural communicators.
AMEXMA is the Mexican Association of Journalists and Directors of Agricultural Media integrated by the main media and associations of the sector in the country.
Coordinate the information and knowledge transfer strategies of the Mexican
agribusiness sector and deepen the links between Mexican agricultural communicators, making a common front for a better dissemination of the primary sector, communicating positively the progress and, where appropriate, reporting errors, through The sciences and technologies of communication.
“Making a common front for a better dissemination of the primary sector ”

To be the space that national agribusiness journalism requires to support the growth of the sector through informative networking, training of the union and international linking.

Responsibility and press freedom.

Honesty and right of reply.

Commitmentto readers and



Proposal attitude
- Ensure decent work within the framework of full respect for freedom of expression and the citizen’s right to information.
- Promote cooperation agreements with institutions, companies and organizations that facilitate the performance of agro-industrial journalism.
- Participate proactively to disseminate the achievements generated from research centers and the Mexican agrifood business sector.
- Increase the negotiation capacity of the sector with government agencies and traditional media.
- Generate synergies between partners to take advantage of links with private and governmental organizations that strengthen the sector.
- Link the productive sector with the final consumer through truthful information.
- Promote the exchange of experiences and joint work with the other international associations of agricultural journalism.
- Position Mexico in international reflectors as a reference and information platform of the Agro Sector.
- Attract international forums to the country that promote the dissemination of the Mexican agribusiness sector.

Benefits for Associates
Participation in the achievements generated by the association before the different public and private instances for the best performance of the professional activity.
Economic benefits for specialized training in the sector through local and international educational institutions.
International accreditation as an agroindustrial press.
Access to the benefits of affiliation to the International Federation of Agricultural Journalism (IFAJ).
Preferential access to the image bank of the agribusiness sector in Mexico.
Founders Members

Be part of this association, contact us and to get in touch with you and work together, united.